Friday, December 12, 2008

Harry, the bunny, now joins the ranks of Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, and the Olsen twins - he is featured in a blog! Melissa is the mother of Madeleine and Emily whom I babysit. Here blog is adorable and hilarious.

Things I have learned about rabbits in the month that we have had Harry: Bunnies have similar personalities to cats - they love attention, but otherwise just like to be left alone in "their" house (well, in our case, apartment). It's funny how Harry clearly thinks that this is his apartment now and he just allows us to hang out here. Don't get me wrong, he's really sweet. Pets are just a trip. Bunnies also have the curiosity and the friskiness that kittens have. We keep the bedroom door closed (Jay is v. allergic to cats and we were initially afraid that he might be allergic to rabbits, so we wanted to keep the bedroom bunny-free until we were sure) and so Harry understands that he isn't allowed in there. But if we ever leave the door in there he hops right in and starts exploring. BUT when we go in there after him he immediately hops out with this attitude of "it wasn't me. I didn't do it."

For anyone who plans on getting married, adopting a bunny a month before the wedding is great for stress relief. It's hard not to be in a good mood with a sweet bunny hopping around the apartment.

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