Friday, October 16, 2009

Harry the Bunny

We have had Harry, our bunny, for almost a year now and it has arguably been one of the best years of our lives -- we attribute a lot of the joy in our lives to this little bun. I rarely post about him, because I assume that most everyone hears enough about him from me without my blogging about him. However, the blog does warrant at least one video of our favorite little guy.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Disney Shot Kennedy

The trailer is done (for this movie that I am editing, Disney Shot Kennedy).

3 weeks of my life (well, more than that, but it has robbed me of the most sleep in the past 3 weeks) ... Enjoy!

Toy Story 3

I confess that I am looking to have my faith restored in Pixar. I am rooting for Toy Story 3 to be as good as the first two. I enjoyed the teaser trailer, but knowing something about the plot, I am starting to feel hopeful!

Monday, October 12, 2009

No, No, No, No, No, No, NO!

Personally, I was (and am) a huge fan of the X-Men series - read the comic books, played the video game, loved the (first 2) movies. X-Men fans everywhere recognize that the 3rd movie was a horrendous disappointment. I do not understand why a director (Bryan Singer) would abandon a trilogy at the last minute to go direct another piece of crap movie (Superman, which - I admit - I did not see because I refused to support Bryan Singer's betrayal). Where is the creative integrity in that decision??? The first and second X-Men movies are two of the best superhero movies of all time, in my humble opinion. And then the third movie was so bad that it ruined the potential for any future film. Brett Ratner, who directed the third movie, certainly wasn't going to get another chance at the series after The Last Stand crashed and burned.

But X-Men: the Last Stand came out in 2006, so why am I bringing this up now? Because apparently Bryan Singer wants to return to the franchise and make more X-Men movies.

And so I rant - No, No, No, No, No, No, NO!!!! Having turned his back on his fans, Bryan Singer should not be given another chance.

However, I will own up to my own hypocrisy. Because Scream 4 is in production and I couldn't be more thrilled. The Scream trilogy is one of my favorites. I was nervous at first, because 4th installments are rarely good, quality films. However, once Wes Craven, Kevin Williamson, Courtney Cox Arquette, David Arquette AND Neve Campbell were all locked in to this project, my nerves were abated. In case you don't know the background of the Scream trilogy, this is hypocritical on my part, because Kevin Williamson did not write Scream 3 (having penned the first 2) because he left the trilogy to write Teaching Mrs. Tingle (piece of crap).

Why am I able to forgive Kevin Williamson and welcome him back to the franchise with open arms, while I flatly refuse to see X-4, should it be directed by Bryan Singer?

It's because I didn't hate Scream 3. I actually kind of liked it. It's not as good as the first 2, that's for sure. But, like the Godfather: Part III, Scream 3 may not be as good as the first 2, but it's still better than the average movie in theaters. I will be glad to see Kevin Williamson restore the writing to it's original stature, but it didn't fall too far for my taste.
X-Men: The Last Stand, on the other hand, was truly awful.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Although I tend to stick with movies, there are more than a couple of television shows this season of which I can't get enough. These shows are: "It's Always Sunny" (in Philadelphia), "30 Rock," "Big Bang Theory," "Mad Men," and "Glee." (whew, that seems a lot of TV)

But particularly, "Glee." It's been a while since there has been a show that I really look forward to watching every week when it airs. To be honest, since I got TiVo, it's been a while since I've known on what day any specific show actually airs. But I have become addicted to watching "Glee" on Wednesday nights. It's such a feel-good show. The actors have talent and the singer can really sing. It has great writing and a great sense of humor. Even though I realize that the show has a trajectory that it must follow over the course of the season, I am impatient to have the two main characters (and the other two main characters) end up with each other right now (5 minutes ago would be acceptable, too). It's been quite a few years since I was this invested in a show this much -- unless you count "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends."

And in between episodes, I keep myself occupied by listening to the music from the show. It has a phenomenal soundtrack.