Friday, August 15, 2008

senior prank '86-style

Best Senior Prank EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ok, so I'm probably biased, because this prank was pulled off at my high school)

On April 1 of their senior year, the Class of 1986 ran nine hoses all night long to turn the Pit (aka the Forum) at Norfolk Academy into a giant swimming pool. Dozens of students spent the night on campus, and a good time was had by all - but the highlight was unmistakeably when Patti "Bat" Masterson (teacher and administrator) joined the class for an early morning swim.

"The Pit" is hard to explain if you've never been on the campus of my high school, but it's a sunken concrete structure in the middle of the campus. Lots of events happen around and in the pit. It's one of the things that I loved and continue to love about Norfolk Academy.

I'd heard about this senior prank (everyone at NA has heard about this prank), but I didn't know until today that it had been memorialized for all time on It's priceless to watch the legendary prank in action. Kudos to the class of '86!

Note: my senior prank was that we put 102 (# of people in my class) rubber duckies in a fountain. LAME!

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