Friday, April 17, 2009

EW's Summer Movie Preview!!

While experiencing a brief reprieve from April showers, I flipped through the Entertainment Weekly's Summer Movie Preview issue. In February, I realized that there was a movie coming out every weekend that I wanted to see through July (with the exception of only 3 weeks when a movie wasn't coming out that I was interested in seeing).

My Favorites:
Up ... I will follow Pixar wherever they lead.

Angels & Demons ... I may be seeing this film alone. This was my favorite of Dan Brown's books; I read it when traveling through Italy. I don't have high hopes for the finished product, but I will be there opening weekend anyway. I'm nothing if not loyal.

Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian ... I will follow Amy Adams wherever she leads. If seeing Ms. Adams as Amelia Earhart wasn't enough of the draw, then the trailer hooked me. This sequel looks better than the first movie. This is the same motivation for my wanting to see Julie & Julia

Easy Virtue ... I will follow Noel Coward wherever he leads.

My Least Favorites:
Star Trek ... I can't get over Zachary Quinto as Spock. Heroes has ruined Mr. Quinto for me; he will always be Sylar. Even Simon Pegg as Scotty can't get me amped for this movie.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen ... I watched quite a bit of The Transformers cartoon and did not think the first movie was any good. Watching Megan Fox show a lot of skin while avoiding multiple explosions is just not my cup of tea.

My Maybes:
X-Men Origins: Wolverine ... I loved the first and second X-Men movies, but was burned by X-Men: The Last Stand (and have still not forgiven Bryan Singer for abandoning the series to make Superman, blech). The jury is out on whether or not I will see this prequel in the theaters or wait to see it on DVD. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Ghosts of Girlfriends Past ... It looks cheesy and predictable. That being said, there hasn't been a good chick semi-mindless flick in theaters in a while and I'm excited for this one, but also for ...

The Proposal ... I love me some Ryan Reynolds (I'm a devotee since the Two Guys, A Girl, and a Pizza Place days) and I'm also a fan of Sandra Bullock (she had me at While You Were Sleeping). And honestly, I enjoy the "Guy hates Girl, Girl hates Guy, until Guy falls in love with Girl and Girl falls in love with Guy" formula more than the "Guy has Girl, Guy loses Girl, Guy gets Girl Back" storyline.

Land of the Lost ... Will Ferrell and Danny McBride in a feature adaptation of the popular Saturday morning television show from my childhood. Will it be good, will it be crap, or will it be craptastic???

Then there are countless small(er)-budget films being released this Summer that may or may not come to Williamsburg, VA. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high just in case I have to wait another year before these are released on DVD. But if they come to the local cinema, I will be going to see: My Sister's Keeper, The Hangover, Cheri, (500) Days of Summer, Hide and Seek, The Boat that Rocked, and Paper Heart.

There are quite a few films that I'm leaving out because it's a Friday and there's no time to list them all. Let's just say, it's going to be a good summer.

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